Tuesday, December 1, 2009

*New Born*

Oh my, Oh my, here goes nothing, my first piece of writing on my new Blog. "Gulp" Its like giving birth to a first born, and bringing him into the world. Hehehe....What to write what to write. Hmmmmmm

Today as i came back from school and stepped foot into the front door, the most astonishing smell hit me right at the nose. Guess what!? It was my mom standing in the kitchen as usual, baking her *Delicates.* . What she does best, and of course love us and nurture us.

Now, moving on, the most annoying person in the family, my Brother Ben. God, this boy can be such an A**. But then at times such an angel when he wants to be! I Love him dearly, but never show it. Muahahahaha, (evil laugh.)

Lets not forget my Daddy, Daddy, Day! Hehehe... A source of strength and guidence. A mentor and a friend. (Just like momzy.) You are appreciated and loved more each day. The warmth and strength of my life.

PS: Daddy gives me allowance! Heheee...Best thing about being a kid!

I Love You guys so, so much, you three mean more than the world to me, no matter what happens we will always be a family! Love you. Forever. Always. xxx <('',)>