Monday, January 4, 2010

LEGEN..... wait for it.......

Yo.... you know 1 of those questions that come up and you're like "shit... i wish i could've known i was going to be asked this so i could've come up with a super cool answer!" well..... i managed to do the impossible and i went and retrieved 1 of those questions and it is:If you could have any super power.... what would it be?yeah......oh no!i just forgot what i was building this up to! oh well!OH NO WAIT!! now i remember ok... so yeah people can come up with super cool and original ideas like "super rapability" or something... but my true answer would be "mind reading"It would be so cool to actually know what people are thinking! And i know i could probably take a class on psychology to do that but hey whatta ya gonna do?Man... Whoever would be able to read my mind would be absolutely mortified! I mean the horrible things you'd hear/see/smell/taste and feel would be so horrific it would drive any stable minded person to suicide! s**t..... haha it would be pretty funny though!Oh yeah and whats this bull about wishing people merry christmas?? its freakin like 3 days away! sheesshh! flippin wish people on the day! and im talkin about commercials and public gatherings and shit.... IF YOU'RE GONNA WISH ME MERRY CHRISTMAS, WISH ME IN JULY! CAUSE ITS THE SAME THING....NAH IM JUST KIDDING YO! oh poo i seem to have left the capitals-lock on!!hey thats what 'caps' means! as in capitol letters...ohhhhhhh